YAKKING - traducción al árabe
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YAKKING - traducción al árabe



أُطْرُوفَة ; دُعَابَة ; طُرْفَة ; ظَرَافَة ; ظَرْف ; فُكَاهَة ; لَطِيفَة ; مُدَاعَبَة ; مُزَاح ; مَزْحَة ; نادِرَة ; نُكْتَة ; نَوَادِر

ثور التبيت      


أُطْرُوفَة ; دُعَابَة ; طُرْفَة ; ظَرَافَة ; ظَرْف ; فُكَاهَة ; لَطِيفَة ; مُدَاعَبَة ; مُزَاح ; مَزْحَة ; نادِرَة ; نُكْتَة ; نَوَادِر

Ejemplos de pronunciación para YAKKING
1. You know that they'll always start yakking.
2. The lemon juice, because I was yakking away.
Lauren Toyota _ Hot For Food All Day _ Talks at Google
3. your phone, stop the incessant yakking in our heads,
Mindful Work _ David Gelles _ Talks at Google
4. these are all things I'd been yakking about forever.
5. SCOTT BARRY KAUFMAN: I feel like I'm yakking.
Wired to Create _ Carolyn Gregoire & Scott Barry Kaufman _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de YAKKING
1. He‘s hoarse after a long day of yakking and flacking.
2. The time has come to stop yakking and start doing.
3. Senate to mindless yakking," McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds responded in a statement.
4. Almost daily, they flock to one press availability or another, yakking spin at us all.
5. "I think people are tired of just yakking about this," Wyden said.